Sunday, April 15, 2007


I'm currently quasi-intoxicated. I had one too many jelly shots at this very peculiar get-together I attended alongside Caterina Maria. Everyone was so consumed in stress and tension, I could barely enjoy my surroundings. Between Veronique being there with Caterina's ex, Veronique fighting with her older brother, Thierry; then an array of mishaps and uncomfortable situations.

I'm not a sociable person. I try to, but I hate being around so many people. I suppose it's because I don't know them well enough to relate. Though they're quite an entertaining bunch. Now that I think about it, I'm in need of someone to talk to.

I haven't seen Philippa in over a week, strangely, I don't find myself missing her except when I need someone to listen to. Caterina Maria is wonderful to talk to, if I managed to form concrete sentences. Nevertheless, there's something about her voice that acts like catnip for me. I adore listening to her silky soft voice, speaking in an agitated flurry of words. I'm still trying to pinpoint why I can't speak with her as I would with anyone else. Again, having taken about 15+ jelly shots, doesn't help with the mind OR proper spelling at the moment.

Yet it's not fair to dedicate a pissed entry to someone like her. Tomorrow's sunday, the most boring day of the week. I think after a few hours, I should be more than qualified to do a worthy entry.

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