Thursday, June 14, 2007

First 'Official' Date Results

We had a great date. It was simple, adorable, understated and delicious.

I took her to this Italian restaurant called Caffe Milano, which has always been one of my favorites considering the food is delicious and they have this exquisite chocolate delight, that is truly just to die for. I picked her up, a bit worried that her hair was wet and the night was very chilly. She called me a worry wart and we were on our way.

Truth be told, I was utterly nervous during the entire ordeal. She was stunning, with that sweet, sassy smile of hers, a dress that fit her curves and an utter disposition to enjoy herself. I did my best to mimic her, be calm and collected but my mind was racing with all these ridiculous possibilities. Would she enjoy the food? Did she like the ambiance? Is she comfortable? Is it too modern? Does it look like I'm going out of my way to please her?.

Mind you, I'm never this way during a date. I'm normally very calm, very together and quite frankly very out of it. Maybe the restaurants I choose are always a bit stuffy or the dates aren't that entertaining. I've had fun dates before but this was one was sweet. With it's ups and downs.

We talked about many things, but mostly she kept focusing on my cheeks! It's true, I was most embarrassed during the entire thing, which worries me a bit. I particularly enjoyed how the candlelight danced inside her eyes.

After that, we went by this gourmet supermarket I had been talking about during the date. It's called E.A.T. and it has a series of fruits and vegetables and drinks that aren't normally available. She completely flipped, which was quite a surprise to me. She started taking all these products, half of which I can't even remember.

When I dropped her at her house, we shared a kiss and she said she had a great time which did WONDERS for my nervous stomach. It was so sweet, so fun. I can't wait until I see her again.


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Anonymous said...

<--- Caterina Maria