Thursday, May 3, 2007

Post-Birthday already

I had a wonderful birthday, thanks to the lovely Caterina Maria. We went to lunch to this very nice and trendy restaurant. Before that, Caterina Maria met my very close friends which proved to be not disastrous as I had predicted. Henry, Collin and George can be overbearing for the most part yet Caterina wasn't intimidated, which I loved. It's very strange to find a woman who is comfortable around your friends and doesn't feel threatened by them. After that, I went to her house where she had a beautifully orchestrated surprise party for myself. I was floored, I really wasn't expecting it considering I despise parties but this was an exquisite balance of a get-together with close friends, really good food and naughty entertainment. For all who are curious, it was rated PG-14. No orgies, no rambunctious sex on Dr. Stocker's apartment, but it was kinky. Ohh and decadent. So many chocolate cakes, I was about to have an orgasm, which would be surprising considering--

I'm not going to finish that sentence. Truly, being around Caterina, makes me talk so freely about things I shouldn't or normally wouldn't.

I loved it. No one has ever thrown me a party like this, considering that not many people fancy (or even know) about my indecorous sex kinks.

It's depressing for me to watch her leave. She does has this thing for travel but for once, I find myself thinking I wish she didn't leave. Nothing I can about that. In fact, all I can do right now is finish my packing and fly over to London... and prepare myself because Henry called to give me a head's up and I'm pretty sure turmoil is approaching. Always good to stir up the masses.

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